Author | Speaker | Mom
pursuing God one imperfect step at a time
Do you wonder, “Who am I to pursue God?”
I see you. Not in a creepy spy-cam kind of way. I see the unending lists. Busy hands. Stretched time. I know the weary heart that is dealing with unwanted situations or unanswered dreams.
Like you, my soul longs for more. More for my life. More for the loves in my life. More for my leadership. More God. Period.
I’ve wrestled through questions like how can I balance it all? How do I keep my cool with my kids? How do I hear from God and trust him? How do I follow God and his Word today? How do I live in faith not fear? How do I pursue God through depression, difficulty, and disillusionment?
Maybe I’m alone or maybe you’re wrestling with the same questions.
Here you will find answers to those questions, inspiring stories, and impactful tools. You’ll find a cheerleader and friend inviting you along on her journey of learning to pursue God in life, love, and leadership, even if imperfectly.
So hello friend. I’d love to meet you. So stay awhile and connect with me. My heart is for you. Desiring the goodness of God to grab ahold of our hearts and our lives to be lived out as his gift to our world.
What People Are Saying
“I was amazed at how well Erin connected with all of the women in our group. Her message was so relatable! The way she weaved in scripture was both approachable and impactful. We can't wait to have her back again soon!”
— Sara, Alpine Chapel MOPS Coordinator
“Erin's message is one that all women can relate to. She has a way of making everyone feel valued and reminds us that we are all living lives on mission for Christ.”
— Genevieve, Freedom Networking Group Co-Director
“I loved and appreciated the dynamic and passionate speaking style of Erin. She inspired me and motivated me to see myself the way God does. I truly looked forward to every Tuesday night and never left disappointed.”
— Anonymous, The Chapel Lake Zurich Bible Study Attendee
“Erin naturally does an amazing job of engaging her audience in the real issues of living in this world as a woman after the heart of God. She speaks to all ages of God's TRUTH which sets us free to be all we can be in the power of Christ!!!”
— Ann, Elder of Adult Discipleship

Speaking Engagements
Erin has been sharing real and relatable messages over 10 years now at Retreats, Outreach Events, Bible Studies, MOPS, Leadership Team Trainings & Retreats, the occasional Sunday Morning and Youth Camps. Explore her offerings or invite her to craft a custom experience for your next gathering.
What is Daughters?
Join over a thousand women and teens who have gone from insecure to secure in their identity in Christ. Daughters: Your Identity Rescued, Your Value Restored offers a video-based Women’s Bible Study and teen group Leader’s Guide that restores our value and rescues our worth.
Our most powerful and affecting asset is our identity in Christ. It has gone undiscovered and untapped, leaving us insecure and underwhelmed in our experience of God. When God’s truth moves beyond our heads and into our hearts, it transforms our whole lives, leaving those around us affected for all eternity.
Daughters will inspire and equip you or your girls to:
Kick insecurity to the curb
Experience God’s love
Ditch the discontent with your physical design
Discover your dignity and value
Forge ahead in freedom
Light up the world one dream at a time