Where to Find Light in the Darkness
None of my kids can sleep with the lights off. I don’t really know what I did wrong but at night our house is lit up like a Christmas tree. (Thank you ComEd for the constant reminders of how ineffiecient we are compared to our neighbors.)
As I have tried to widdle down our wattage from 3 lights to 2 lights to 1 light, I am amazed by the difference a single small light can make in the darkness.
When I was a little girl, I loved to sing and dance (and dance and sing). Anyone else? Summer would roll around and my friend and I would rummage through our dance costumes and put on a show for the neighbors.
At the age of 5 or 6, our church had a children’s musical based around the theme of the song, “This Little Light of Mine.” The cast was going to be made up of different kinds of insects, with the lead, of course being a lightning bug!
I was feeling the need, for the lead (you feel me?). But of course the obstacle to that was an audition. One by one kids climbed the red carpet covered altar steps of my Lutheran church and sang, “Jesus Loves Me.” My approach or should I say my very wise mother’s, was to seal the deal with Whitney Houston’s “We are the World.”
Our strategy worked.
Therefore, my fifteen minutes of fame involved a black leotard with wings and a glowstick pinned to my well, you know where. And my job as the lead lighting bug was to dance around the altar, shaking my glow stick, and singing, “This little light, this light of mine, I’m really gonna let it shine tonight. Cause Je. Sus. Christ. Is bum, bum. Born...”
Now that your day has been tainted by that image and the song stuck in your mind, let’s get to Scripture.
Maybe it’s because I played a lightning bug or because my Dad named me “Shining Star” in Indian princesses. No matter the reason, my favorite reference (literal, symbolic, metaphorical and any other big word I am missing) in the Bible is the word “light”.
I can’t help but get giddy inside, star it, circle it, and make a YouVersion graphic, as there are over 200 references to “light” throughout Scripture. Sometimes it’s the capital “Light” (i.e Jesus) and sometimes the lowercase “light.” But any time I read the word “light,” it just jumps off the page.
Last week, entitled 3 Reasons to Pursue God (like right now), we drew the conclusion that when we trade our old way of putting God off for a new way of pursing God, we encounter the tenderhearted, kindness of God. We get a gift. And third, we receive a new way in Christ that frees us and fuels us to NEVER GIVE UP.
This week, we get to see what adds fuel to the fire, what illuminates the darkness around us. We see that we don’t just enter into a new way, we enter into a new day. A new day in the light of Christ.
“For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made his light shine in our hearts so we could known the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
So where do we find light in the darkness?
1. In Creator God.
The first part of this verse is referring to God’s resume. So let’s check it out.
Genesis 1:1-3, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Sprit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. [How cool is that.] Then God said, “Let there be light and there was light.”
Darkness is not new to God. All he had to do was speak and the darkness was overcome with light. Why? Because he is all-powerful and he is light. “God is light and there is no darkness in him at all” (1 John 1:5).
I think that is one reason I love him so. Why I am so drawn to him. Because in him there is no darkness, only light.
We also find light in the darkness…
2. In our hearts.
Look back at our key verse, “For God, who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ has made his light shine in our hearts so we could known the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Light shines in our hearts because of the work of Christ and Christ reveals the face of God to us, bringing more of his light into our hearts.
The Message translation puts it this way, “It started when God said, ‘Light up the darkness!’ and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.”
Simply put we find light in the darkness, first, in God and second, God in us.
We find light in God and we find the light of God in us.
And that light is bright and beautiful.
So the more we live in God and let God live in us. The more Light we live in and let out. I’m gonna say that again so we don’t miss it.
The more we live in God and let God live in us. The more Light we live in and the more Light we let out.
None of my kids can sleep with the lights off. I don’t really know what I did wrong but at night our house is lit up like a Christmas tree. (Thank you ComEd for the constant reminders of how ineffiecient we are compared to our neighbors.)
As I have tried to widdle down our wattage from 3 lights to 2 lights to 1 light, I am amazed by the difference a single small light can make in the darkness.
Even if just a tiny night light is on, your eyes can start to perceive the truth of what is around you rather than being penetrated by the disillusionment of the darkness.
In dark times, let’s remember that we don’t have just a night light or even a big ol’ lamp. We connect with and talk to a God who spoke and overcame the darkness with light. Who choose to let that light into our hearts to light up our world.
We have “the Bright Morning Star”(according to the final chapter of Revelation) illuminating our lives.
Let’s lean into his light and then let his light out.
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Reflection (for journaling or discussion):
How has creator God lit up your life lately? Have you seen something in creation or has he provided in some way? Record 5 ways light is overcoming the darkness thru the presence of God.
How are you feeling lit up from the inside out? What is helping you feel alive? Explain.
What are things that feel heavy or dark. List them out and take them to God in prayer.
Father, in you is no darkness at all. So when we are in you, we live in the light. Help us live more fully in you this week and may our souls feel lightened by your light. May our lives be brighter through worship. All your sons and daughters, Amen.