Erin Nicole Thompson Erin Nicole Thompson

GRIT: Must Haves for Living in the Unknown

In 2020, I have watched on the sidelines as many of you have dug down deep to choose peace over anxiety. Joy over grumbling. Victory over victimhood. It has inspired me to find my grit. To find the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in me to make possible a situation that looks like mission impossible. 


There have been many a long day and late night before my man, David, has been up early to teach God’s word and love on his people first thing Sunday morning. 


One Sunday morning I walked into the bathroom only to find the garbage can in the shower. Odd I thought. 


So rewind. 


A week prior we learned that due to the cold evening temps, little critters (aka “mice”) like to come into the cozy confines of our homes. 


“It comes with the beautiful mountains,” they say. “You might want to get a cat.”




Well, this was not an option, yet.  So we began to wage a full out war and we threw, what felt like our life savings and the kitchen sink, at the issue.


We tried everything. This didn’t’ work. That didn’t’ work. So I surveyed some friends at dinner party. (Yes, while we were eating. Sorry.)


As we awaited the Amazon box with the expensive but anointed solution, David happened to trap a mouse behind the toilet. 


Now, back to the garbage can in the bathtub greeting. 


So it was Saturday night. Dave traps a mouse behind the toilet. Then he gets it into a box and Google’s “what should I do now that I trapped a mouse” (or something like that). 

The verdict was drowning it! Yikes! 


What Google didn’t explain was that mice could swim for a while. A long while. (Sorry to be graphic but it was protect his wife’s peace or the mouse. I bet you can guess who won.)


So my man, in his efforts to protect our home, was up into the wee hours of the morning, having to open up the Word to teach in what would feel like just moments later.


But Dave dug deep and found his GRIT in the Holy Spirit. I watched amazed, knowing how little sleep he got, to see him teach so alive that morning. I could see the power of the Holy Spirit in him as he illuminated the Scriptures and was illuminated by Sprit.


This year (and I’m sorry to say it but I think next year too) is going to require we find our GRIT. We are going to need to ask for help. Help from God through the power of the Holy Spirit. 


Have you ever heard someone say, “Now God doesn’t give you what you can’t handle.”?


Well, I humbly refute this statement. I could make a very long list friends who have have more than they can handle alone placed on their plate. From the friend with a son facing cancer to friends who have lost jobs to friends to who are working and schooling their children to a friend who lost a hand. The list could go on. 


The reality is God allows what we can’t handle so we have to come to him and depend on his power and presence.

He is desperate for us to come to him and he stands ready to help. We just need to ask. He never intended we do life on our own, in our own power. (Remember the Garden? He was with us.) But even post Garden, he wants to partner with us. Empower our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.  He wants to give us our grit.



Check this out, again.

Come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.
Matthew 11:28-30


Don’t over look the word “come.” It means ask. And what the heck is a yoke? Seems key, right?


Well, a yoke was a wood brace that connected two oxen that would pull a plow. (Feels like we are pulling a plow through COVID-19 now doesn’t it.) 

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This invitation speaks to the fact that God pulls the plow with us when we partner with him. 


Yet, I liken this illustration to that dysfunctional group you had middle school for that big project. The one you had where one person pulled all the weight for the group. (Was that you? Thought so.)


Right now. That is God. He is wanting and willing to pull all the freight.

All we have to do is ask.


“Father, help.”


The most powerful prayer I have prayed. 


“Dad. I need you.” 


What good father wouldn’t come at the ready if that were his daughter or son? And the power he brings? Well, it is the power of the Holy Spirit, the same power that raised his Son from the dead. 


The grave is empty, friends. 


Let’s ask God for our grit and get out of grave we have been standing in emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically. We are most definitely not powerless mice. We were made in the image of God and have access to the power of God. Let’s get asking and “grit” out! (Insert cute winking face emoji.)


  • What would it look like to ask God for help this week and find your grit?

  • Who in your life regularly leans on God and lives empowered because of it? Call them. Text them. Ask them for their tips. Ask them to pray for you.


 A Prayer for Grit

Father, you say come. So I am coming. Like a child who scrapped their knee on the playground, I run to you and ask for your help. Help Dad. I need all of you in all of me. Holy Spirit, speak truth. Speak life. Empower the will of God in my life for this moment right now. Spirit would you give me your grit! Let’s do this. Amen. 

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