He Sees Me
Have you ever felt invisible? Ignored? Unimportant? In Luke 7:1-17, we see a warrior question his worth and a widow wish her only son goodbye. But Jesus sees them both and exercises his great authority and great compassion. But what does that mean for you? Your situation? Your stings? Does he see you?
[Click “Read On” for this week’s devotional, worship and link to download the FREE 5-DAY DEVOTIONAL “HE SEES ME”]
I remember nervously walking into a new school in seventh grade. Wondering if I had the right back pack or outfit. Wondering where I would sit and if anyone would talk to me. Wondering if anyone would see my discomfort and come to my aid.
Or would they would actually see me but write me off. And with judging eyes and sneaky snickers, would I be deemed an outcast. Untouchable. Not to be associated with. Not worthy of anyone’s attention or friendship.
Have you ever wondered if anyone really sees you? Or if you’re important enough not to be ignored? Have you felt invisible, in this season or others?
In Luke 7:1-17, we read about two people. A warrior who is worried about his servant and a widow who is wailing over the loss of her only son. Each story may grip your heart or capture your attention.
You may wonder what a Roman soldier is doing asking a Jewish man for his miraculous healing power? (That was not the cultural norm, right?)
Or you may wonder, what the widow thought when Jesus tenderly touched her son’s unclean deathbed and said, “Arise!”
No matter how these people, stories, or situations may differ, Jesus sees them both. One in his incomparable faith, the other in her unimaginable pain.
My favorite line is verse thirteen.
The New International Version reads, “When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, ‘Don’t cry.’”
The New Living Translation reads, “When the Lord saw her his heart overflowed with compassion, ‘Don’t cry!’ he said.”
The Passion Translation reads, “When the Lord saw the grieving mother, his heart broke for her. With great tenderness he said to her, ‘Please don’t cry.’”
Jesus saw her. His heart broke for her. He spoke to her with tenderness.
The Greek word used for “saw” doesn’t just refer to the widow catching his eye. But the word for “saw” is likened to “perceiving, knowing, examining, and inspecting.”
He saw her. With his eyes and emotions. And his heart broke for her. It overflowed with compassion. His heart went out to her.
And the Greek word used for “compassion” speaks to the deepest level of compassion one can have. “There is no greater word in the Greek language to describe the depth of emotion Jesus felt for this widow over the loss of her son” (The Passion Translation notes, pg. 172).
Hear that.
Jesus sees you. He sees your situation and his heart breaks for you. For the unmet desires of your heart. For the wounds on your soul. For the brokenness in your past. He sees. He knows.
And his compassion leads to action.
In this passage, he sees and he speaks. And his words are the power of life over death. They are light in our darkness.
What might he be speaking to your soul right now? What life is he trying to breathe? What light is he trying to bring? Take a moment to listen.
Because you are seen by our Savior.
Take a moment to listen bringing your burdens, your disappointments, your pain and put it in the hands of the Father.
What might God be speaking to your soul right now? What life is he trying to breathe? What light is he trying to bring? Take a moment to listen. Write down anything that comes to your mind or heart.
In what ways do you need God’s help, hope or healing right now?
Does God feel distant or near to you right now? Do you feel seen or ignored by your Savior?
Please explain.