Messages for Real Life

(Pre-crafted options 30-40 minutes in length.)


Live Life

As a worn down, weary, and weighed-down momma of four, Erin realized she wasn’t living life awake or alive! By authentically sharing her personal story and health journey, mommas are given hope and practical help in the area of self-care. Designed with MOPS mamas in mind, women will be inspired and equipped to prioritize themselves so they can live life and pour into their littles from a place of overflow.

Parenting with Love & Laughter

One beautiful word can breathe life into the ups and downs of mothering, grace. When we learn how to embrace grace for ourselves, our littles, and our loved ones, we give ourselves freedom to parent with love and laughter. Thanks to the ample illustrations provided by Erin’s four crazy creatures, we will laugh our way to grace in the mis-haps, mistakes, and mess-ups of mothering. 

Fighting Fair

It is vital we fight in marriage? Not in a way that rivals the WWF, but we need to fight in marriage by stepping into conflict and not just when it arises. In our time together, we will learn how to fight fair without ignoring or igniting issues through active listening, secure sense of self, and constructive communication. Let’s lean into fighting for our marriage and learn how to fight fair! 


Walking the Tight Rope

Marriage, motherhood, ministry, and work. How do we balance it all and still find time for ourselves and our relationship with God? From Erin’s real life victories and valleys, we will learn how to walk the tight rope of life with balance and beauty. We will leave understanding our next “no” to open up life to our best “yes”.

Triumphing in Trials

Whether its daunting finances, unanswered dreams, suffocating depression, or desperate situations, life is hard. So how do we triumph in our trials? Navigate uncertainties? Move forward when we feel stuck? The answers are found throughout Scripture that help us fix our focus and feel the presence of the Father. Therefore, when we are tried, we will triumph for the battle belongs to the Lord.

Choosing Faith over Fear

Have you ever entered a season of life that demanded great faith, yet fear seemed to overwhelm you? Erin knows all to well what it is like to step out of the boat, only to feel the waves crashing about. So how do we choose faith, when fear is all we feel? Unlock a life of faith found in the wisdom of Scripture and the willingness of the Father walk with us in the face of fear..